
Friday, January 17, 2014

Doppelganger Teacher - A Most Curious Case

DO YOU HAVE an exact double somewhere in the world? Can a person be in two places at once? There are a number of creditable reports that some people do indeed have such an ability. In instances of bi-location, a person can either spontaneously or willingly project his or her double, known as a "wraith," to a remote location. This double is indistinguishable from the real person and can interact with others just as the real person would.

 One of the most fascinating reports of a doppelganger comes from the American writer Robert Dale Owen who was told the story by Julie von Güldenstubbe, the second daughter of Baron von Güldenstubbe. In 1845, when von Güldenstubbe was 13 years of age, she attended Pensionat von Neuwelcke, an exclusive girl's school near Wolmar in what is now Latvia. One of her teachers was a 32-year-old French woman named Emilie Sagée. Although the school's administration was quite pleased with Sagée's performance, she soon became the object of rumor and odd speculation. Sagée, witnesses said, had a double that would appear and disappear in full view of the students.

In the middle of class one day, while Sagée was writing on the blackboard, her exact double appeared beside her. The doppelganger precisely copied the teacher's every move as she wrote, except that it did not hold any chalk. The event was witnessed by 13 students in the classroom. A similar incident was reported at dinner one evening when Sagée's doppelganger was seen standing behind her, mimicking the movements of her eating, although it held no utensils.
The doppelganger did not always echo her movements, however. On several occasions, Sagée would be seen in one part of the school when it was known for certain that she was in another area at that time. The most astonishing instance of this took place in full view of the entire student body of 42 students one summer day in 1846. 

The girls were all assembled in the school hall for their sewing and embroidery lessons. As they sat at the long, wooden tables working, they could clearly see through the four open windows Sagée outside in the school's garden gathering flowers. Another teacher was supervising the children. When this teacher left the room to talk to the headmistress, Sagée's doppelganger appeared in her chair - while the real Sagée could still be seen in the garden. The students noted that Sagée's movements in the garden looked tired or slow while the doppelganger sat motionless. Two brave girls approached the phantom and tried to touch it, but felt an odd resistance in the air surrounding it. One girl actually stepped between the teacher's chair and the table, passing right through the apparition, which remained motionless. It then slowly vanished. The girl reported the figure itself felt like muslin cloth and the air was very cold as she passed through.
Sagée claimed never to have seen the doppelganger herself, but said she felt drained and fatigued  exactly when others said it appeared. Her physical color even seemed to pale at those times. She seemed to never have learned how to control the appearance of her doppelganger and had to go from one school to another to find employment as each school would end up letting her go when the stories became too numerous to ignore and worried parents began pulling their children out of school. Unfortunately, what became of Emile Sagée is unknown as she eventually disappeared from recorded history.

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